Tuesday 31 December 2019

FOX NEWS: FDA to ban all e-cig flavors except menthol and tobacco, report says

"FDA to ban all e-cig flavors except menthol and tobacco, report says" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/35fD8lC

FOX NEWS: Seattle public schools to exclude unvaccinated students after winter break

"Seattle public schools to exclude unvaccinated students after winter break" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2ZGDwJ1

FOX NEWS: Alex Trebek admits to feeling bouts of depression amid cancer battle

"Alex Trebek admits to feeling bouts of depression amid cancer battle" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2Qfd99C

FOX NEWS: FDA approves drug for treating pancreatic cancer

"FDA approves drug for treating pancreatic cancer" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/37vPrfr

FOX NEWS: 1 in 4 people with Parkinson’s disease misdiagnosed, given wrong treatment, study claims

"1 in 4 people with Parkinson’s disease misdiagnosed, given wrong treatment, study claims" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/36b9ob6

FOX NEWS: The top 5 New Year's resolutions for 2020 and how to make them stick

"The top 5 New Year's resolutions for 2020 and how to make them stick" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2SJ1iST

FOX NEWS: Brain injuries gave these people new abilities

"Brain injuries gave these people new abilities" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2ZCVmfT

Monday 30 December 2019

Sunday 29 December 2019

Saturday 28 December 2019

Friday 27 December 2019

Thursday 26 December 2019

FOX NEWS: Intermittent fasting diets may add years to your life: study

"Intermittent fasting diets may add years to your life: study" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2QpEHZ7

FOX NEWS: 34-year-old ESPN reporter dies after contracting pneumonia

"34-year-old ESPN reporter dies after contracting pneumonia" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2ZrWser

FOX NEWS: Fasting diets may add years to your life as well as help you lose weight, new study suggests

"Fasting diets may add years to your life as well as help you lose weight, new study suggests" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2tMgzYK

FOX NEWS: Seattle public school students without current vaccinations at risk of exclusion from school

"Seattle public school students without current vaccinations at risk of exclusion from school" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/35WvzSg

FOX NEWS: Biggest health concerns for the holidays

"Biggest health concerns for the holidays" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/35ZK4o7

FOX NEWS: Strange but true: The biggest medical shockers of 2019

"Strange but true: The biggest medical shockers of 2019" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2PVBPUw

Tuesday 24 December 2019

FOX NEWS: Florida veterinarians cleaning rescue dog’s teeth make shocking discovery

"Florida veterinarians cleaning rescue dog’s teeth make shocking discovery" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2ZjZKA4

FOX NEWS: Woman develops painful ulcers that eat away skin after noticing mark on breast: 'I feel so ugly'

"Woman develops painful ulcers that eat away skin after noticing mark on breast: 'I feel so ugly'" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2SmKWiP

FOX NEWS: Teacher uses skin-tight anatomy bodysuit to give health lesson to students

"Teacher uses skin-tight anatomy bodysuit to give health lesson to students" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/397qTLa

FOX NEWS: Trader Joe's egg salad, potato salad products recalled amid Listeria concerns

"Trader Joe's egg salad, potato salad products recalled amid Listeria concerns" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/37goUCL

FOX NEWS: Woman suffers severe burns after hair catches fire as she was blowing out a candle

"Woman suffers severe burns after hair catches fire as she was blowing out a candle" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2Qfsru7

FOX NEWS: Oregon child dies of flu-related illness: health officials

"Oregon child dies of flu-related illness: health officials" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2ZjuocQ

FOX NEWS: Mom surprised by son on Christmas Eve during cancer battle last year now celebrating remission

"Mom surprised by son on Christmas Eve during cancer battle last year now celebrating remission" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/399rxI3

FOX NEWS: Holiday health: Dr. Roshini Raj separates fact from fiction

"Holiday health: Dr. Roshini Raj separates fact from fiction" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2PSBL87

FOX NEWS: At least 5 US airports have exposed travelers to measles, health officials warn

"At least 5 US airports have exposed travelers to measles, health officials warn" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2ZivlSI

Monday 23 December 2019

‘Little Women’ Review: This Movie is Big

By A.O. Scott via NYT Critics' Pick https://ift.tt/2SoDzY7

FOX NEWS: Trump administration raises legal age to buy tobacco, e-cigarettes to 21

"Trump administration raises legal age to buy tobacco, e-cigarettes to 21" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2ZkunW0

FOX NEWS: Arizona toddler pronounced dead after pool accident now listed in critical, family says

"Arizona toddler pronounced dead after pool accident now listed in critical, family says" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/34TLH5w

FOX NEWS: Texas resident with measles could have exposed others to virus: officials

"Texas resident with measles could have exposed others to virus: officials" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/34SG5Z8

FOX NEWS: Prison cancels Christmas Eve visits over flu

"Prison cancels Christmas Eve visits over flu" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/35T0vT8

FOX NEWS: Girl, 6, celebrates cancer-free Christmas after 2-year leukemia battle

"Girl, 6, celebrates cancer-free Christmas after 2-year leukemia battle" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2ZsBWKJ

FOX NEWS: HIV-positive Maryland man who knowingly transmitted disease to 3 women is sentenced

"HIV-positive Maryland man who knowingly transmitted disease to 3 women is sentenced" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/36X3hHc

FOX NEWS: More than 1,000 pounds of pork sausage recalled over plastic contamination concerns

"More than 1,000 pounds of pork sausage recalled over plastic contamination concerns" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2rlIOg5

FOX NEWS: Company recalls hard-boiled eggs eyed in Listeria outbreak

"Company recalls hard-boiled eggs eyed in Listeria outbreak" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2Mo6Z4L

FOX NEWS: Mom says this Christmas could be her last following shocking diagnosis: 'I’ll fight with everything I’ve got'

"Mom says this Christmas could be her last following shocking diagnosis: 'I’ll fight with everything I’ve got'" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/3759PDA

FOX NEWS: To battle opioid crisis, some track overdoses in real time

"To battle opioid crisis, some track overdoses in real time" via FOX NEWS https://ift.tt/2QehOHH

Sunday 22 December 2019